Media contributions
2Media contributions
Title Teken metselen zich vast Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Resource jrg. 19, nr. 04, p. 7-7 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 6/12/24 Producer/Author Roelof Kleis URL Persons Siddharth Deshpande Title Ticks get stuck in Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Resource jrg. 19, nr. 04, p. 7-7 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 5/12/24 Description It isn’t easy to remove a tick that attaches itself to your
skin, because they’re soon firmly stuck in place. They
do that by creating a conical layer of cement, like mortar
to glue themselves on. Siddhart Deshpande (Physical
Chemistry and Soft Matter) and his team think they know
how the tick does it.Producer/Author Roelof Kleis URL Persons Siddharth Deshpande