Ticks get stuck in

Press/Media: ResearchAcademic


It isn’t easy to remove a tick that attaches itself to your 
skin, because they’re soon firmly stuck in place. They 
do that by creating a conical layer of cement, like mortar 
to glue themselves on. Siddhart Deshpande (Physical 
Chemistry and Soft Matter) and his team think they know 
how the tick does it. 

Period5 Dec 2024 → 6 Dec 2024

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleTeken metselen zich vast
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletResource jrg. 19, nr. 04, p. 7-7
    Media typePrint
    Producer/AuthorRoelof Kleis
    PersonsSiddharth Deshpande
  • TitleTicks get stuck in
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletResource jrg. 19, nr. 04, p. 7-7
    Media typePrint
    DescriptionIt isn’t easy to remove a tick that attaches itself to your
    skin, because they’re soon firmly stuck in place. They
    do that by creating a conical layer of cement, like mortar
    to glue themselves on. Siddhart Deshpande (Physical
    Chemistry and Soft Matter) and his team think they know
    how the tick does it.
    Producer/AuthorRoelof Kleis
    PersonsSiddharth Deshpande