Media contributions
2Media contributions
Title Verhalen over voedselsystemen op slotconferentie B FS : Saladino’s soep Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Resource jrg. 19, nr. 03, p. 22-24 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 15/11/24 Producer/Author Marieke Enter URL Persons Dan Saladino, Liesje Mommer, Marleen Riemens Title Stories about food systems at B+FS conference: Saladino’s soup Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Resource jrg. 19, nr. 03, p. 22-24 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 14/11/24 Description He came to tell a story, really. ‘But today I have also heard enoughnew stories to fill at least six months’ worth of radio programmes.’ Sosaid the well-known British food journalist Dan Saladino, who was in Wageningen at the invitation of Liesje Mommer and Marleen Riemens, coordinators of the WUR-wide research programme Biodiversity-Positive Food Systems (B+FS). Producer/Author Marieke Enter URL Persons Dan Saladino, Liesje Mommer, Marleen Riemens