Results from a joint European research project show that seed transmission of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) in tomato, even though at a low level, is possible. The seed transmission rates differed from 0,005% until 0.057% depending on the time interval between PepMV infection and seed harvest. This means that the use of seeds harvested from PepMV infected plants bears the risk of obtaining PepMV infected seedlings. This conclusive indication of the PEPEIRA research project will be entered into the Pest Risk Assessment that will be one outcome of this research project. PEPEIRA is a research project in the 6th framework programme of the EU, that aims at developing an EU-wide Pest Risk Assessment (PRA) for Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) in tomato. The project studies the epidemiology and the economic impact of PepMV in order to provide a robust and scientifically sound assessment of the risk that PepMV poses to the European tomato industry. To unravel the highly debated, putative role of seed transmission in the spread of PepMV, an extensive trial on seed transmission has been carried out