Media contributions
2Media contributions
Title Interdisciplinary project in the picture: made by and made for students in practical education - innovations for a healthy lifestyle Degree of recognition National Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 5/12/24 Producer/Author Annemieke Groeneboom URL Persons Kirsten Verkooijen Title Interdisciplinary EWUU Project in the Picture: Made by and Made for Students in Practical Education Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Youtube Media type Television Duration/Length/Size 13:16 min Country/Territory Netherlands Date 5/12/24 Description Over the past years, many interdisciplinary projects received support from the EWUU institute for Preventive Health (i4PH). Annemieke Groenenboom has interviewed researchers from four supported projects: what are they researching, and how did they start up their interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research? Stay tuned to learn more about the projects and dive into the ins-and-outs of interdisciplinary collaborations (audio in Dutch).
Featured in this episode, Kirsten Verkooijen (Wageningen University & Research) about their transdisciplinary project: Healthy LIFestyle for low liTerate teenagers (LIFTS), that was awarded a €1.4 million NWO grant.Producer/Author Annemieke Groenenboom URL Persons Kirsten Verkooijen