Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title usarium oxysporum prime suspect in root problems and plant wilt. Sweet pepper grower Van der Voort: 'I'm obviously doing something right.' Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet In Greenhouses jrg 2025 vol 14 nr 1 pag 29-31 Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 9/01/25 Description For serveral years now, sweet pepper crops have been plagued by root proplems that are causing plant loss. The cause seems to be microbial. Fusarium oxysporum is thought to be the prime suspect, but Pythium, Phytophthora and bacteria can also cause problems. Researchers and growers are trying to get a better understanding of the roor environequipping plants and cropping systems against infections. Producer/Author Jan van Staalduinen and Astrid Zoumpoulis URL Persons Marta Streminska