“Experiments help to establish a culture of innovation”, said Jack Ahern when presenting his thoughts on urban resilience strategies (biodiversity, connectivity, multifunctionality, redundancy and modularity, and adaptive design). Ahern proposed to conceive experiments in order to foster a culture of innovation. They are a way to learn to act with uncertainty. Learning by designing is also a principle of Research through design. Sanda Lenzholzer said that all design activities that generate new knowledge can be research through designing and discussed examples for a postpositivistic type of RTD. Henrik Schultz presented walking as a form of research through design. Walking supports the interplay of perception, creation and reflection while engaging with and changing the object of research. Walking is also a chance to let landscape shape us. Mick Abbott from Lincoln University, New Zealand defines landscape as something enfolding and said in his talk: “There is not only the question if and how we shape the landscape but how landscape can shape us”. The title of this year´s ECLAS Conference was “Landscape: A place of cultivation”. Abbott´s definition makes it worth rethinking the title. Wouldn´t Landscape: A process of cultivation” be much more suitable?