Media contributions
2Media contributions
Title Eendenkroos op het bord Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Resource jrg. 19, nr. 04, p. 26-27 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 6/12/24 Producer/Author Dominique Vrouwenvelder URL Persons Ingrid van der Meer Title Duckweed on the plate Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Resource jrg. 19, nr. 04, p. 26-27 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 5/12/24 Description Water lentils (commonly known as duckweed) contain lots of protein, can easily be integrated into meals, and are sustainable to produce. Yet we don’t eat them. They are a ‘novel food’, so they are not approved for consumption. But that is set to change. ‘We’re just waiting for Ursula von der Leyen’s signature. Producer/Author Dominique Vrouwenvelder URL Persons Ingrid van der Meer