Media contributions
2Media contributions
Title Koeienurine als kunstmest vervanger – kan da Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Resource jrg. 19, nr. 04, p. 9-9 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 6/12/24 Producer/Author Marieke Enter URL Persons Harm Smit Title Cow urine as a substitute artificial fertilizer? Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Resource jrg. 19, nr. 04, p. 9-9 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 5/12/24 Description Can cow urine be a substitute for artificial fertilizer, and what does that mean for circular agriculture and the profitability of dairy farms? Wageningen Livestock Research will be studying this in the PPP project Reinventing Circulair Dairy Farming. Producer/Author Marieke Enter URL Persons Harm Smit