Media contributions
2Media contributions
Title Palingobstakels Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Wageningen World nr. 02 p. 28-31 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 11/12/24 Producer/Author René Didde URL Persons Arjan Palstra, Tessa van der Hammen, Ben Griffioen Title Barriers for eels Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Wageningen World nr. 02 p. 28-31 Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 10/12/24 Description The eel has been in trouble for decades. Research has shown
that locks and pumping stations still form major obstacles for
the mysterious migratory fish. Meanwhile, the prospects of
being able to breed eels throughout their life cycle are gradually
improving. If that works out it will no longer be necessary to catch
glass eels for breeding purposes.Producer/Author René Didde URL Persons Arjan Palstra, Tessa van der Hammen, Ben Griffioen