Talleres TMT+ NUFFIC, Colombia: "Soluciones Integrales para el Mejoramiento de la Calidad y la Sostenibilidad de las Cadenas de Valor Agroalimentarias”

Activity: OtherProfessional



Output 4: Project Dissemination & Sustainability
This output focused on the dissemination of the project's knowledge related to improving the quality and sustainability of Agri-Food Value Chains and its sustainability through the implementation of workshops. The two workshops allowed for the in situ implementation of the acquired knowledge by the trainers to share it with 22 and 21 more apprentices, respectively, in two different locations. This comprehensive training ensured that trainers were well-prepared both in terms of content knowledge and complementing it with their didactical skills.
Period2024 → …
Event titleTalleres: Soluciones Integrales para el Mejoramiento de la Calidad y la Sostenibilidad de las Cadenas de Valor Agroalimentarias
Event typeWorkshop